The “June Boom”

2 min readMay 12, 2021


According to Battlefield’s official Twitter account (@Battlefield), fans may expect the newest battlefield game to drop next month in June of 2021 rather than the fall when the games normally drop. Not only this but the game is said to be working with the newest gen consoles and mobile on how to make it their best battlefield game to date.

The Twitter account of the franchise game recently posted a tweet saying’

“Words that rhyme with soon:



The clever tweet has gamers and fans speculating on whether the game is set to drop earlier than expected, which would come as no surprise seeing as DICE — which annually releases a new battlefield game — took a gap year allowing them to make the game better than it’s ever been according to news sources.

Battlefield is known for being an environmentally interactive game with great graphics and an open-world experience. This year, the game is going to bring even more destruction, mayhem, and plenty of sandbox space, which looks like a continuing trend with the franchise game.

Gameplay footage. @jackfrags, “They fixed Battlefield 5”

The fans also get a chance to see the game come to mobile platforms for gamers who may not have consoles or a proper gaming PC. This is a positive direction for the first-person shooter seeing as it has seen many predecessor platforms — including the arcade — which prove it more than capable of operating on other devices. After all, the more people that have access to the game the more exposure the game receives.

While the Battlefield 6 game looks to be more promising than the previous battlefield, which came out over a year ago, there are still some things fans can agree it would need to improve to make the game’s release that much more exciting. One of which is cross-platform gameplay — allowing players to play with each other regardless of the console they choose. This appears to be a trend that has made games like Fortnite such a major success and with sony getting on board with making more of their games cross-platform, it wouldn’t be a surprise to see players nuking each other on two different consoles. Not only this, but they would be answering a highly requested online game feature that would draw even more players into the brilliant-looking game.

So what are your thoughts on Battlefield’s tweet and the hopes of Battlefield 6 being released next month? Send me feedback by leaving a comment in the dropbox below the article.

